Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday Cover Throwdown (09/16/2010)

I'm sure that I've seen something like this on other blogs (so if you can direct me to the one that is hosting it, I would be really happy). But anyways Thursdays will be the day that I compare book covers for one book and we decide which ones we like best.

Here we go...

Pride and Prejudicevs.Pride and Prejudicevs.Pride and Prejudice vs.Pride and Prejudice (Vintage Classics)

I'm going to take back to the classics right now and I wanted to know what other covers were out there because there are so many different ones. I know there are more, but these are just the few that I decided to share from Goodreads. I bought the last one and I definitely prefer the one I bought. I really like the color and it just seems more appealing to me. It doesn't remind me of a book that my high school teacher would make me read. But that's my opinion...

What about you...which one do you like???

***Now go and grab your fave cup of tea (or whatever beverage you prefer) and HAPPY readings***

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