My Sister's Keeper
Jodi Picoult
Age Group:
My Rating: 5/5
Anna Fitzgerald is a teenager trying to figure out who she is in this world. This is a situation that most typical teenagers go through, but Anna is NOT your typical thirteen year old girl.
She is the youngest of three children and was a well planned baby. Her parents picked all the right genes for her. But these genes weren't meant to make her a beautiful, designer baby. No. She was brought into this world for one main reason...to keep her sister, Kate alive.
This story is a journey of Anna's young life and her family's medical situation. Not only do we read about Anna's side, but we get some insight from her parents, siblings, and other wonderful characters that enter Anna Fitzgerald's life.
This was a book that I always came across at the bookstore. Did I buy it the first time? The second time, even the third time? No, I didn't...and I wish I bought it the first time. This book quickly became a new favorite.
In the beginning of my reading, I thought this would be purely from Anna's point of view...and I was wrong. I enjoyed that I was able to read through Sara (the mom) and Brian's (the dad) point of view. And to be quite honest...I think I enjoyed Brian's chapters the best. It was nice to read through a father's perspective of a family life, even through a tragic storyline (like this book).
The only thing that caught me by surprise was the ending. But after reading it over and over again, I am now settled with the conclusion. (If you do read it...and I highly recommend that you do...let me know what you think of the ending).
I really, really, really love this book and I recommend it to everyone. But you are warned...keep a box of tissues near by. Now, grab your cup of tea (or coffee) and dive into this book and get to know the Fitzgerald family.
Some quotes I loved...
"I have only known her for two years. But if you took every memory, every moment, if you stretched them end to end---they'd reach forever." Sara, page 34
"The human capacity for burden is like bamboo---far more flexible than you'd ever believe at first glance." Brian, page 196
"You don't love someone because they're perfect. You Love them in spite of the fact that they're not." Julia, page 384
***I don't wanna give anything too big away, but I love the paragraphs on page 421***