Title: Body Surfing
Author: Anita Shreve
Age Group/Genre: Adult
My Rating: 2/5
Sydney is twenty-nine years old, a divorcee, a widow, and really no major career. She took a live-in summer tutoring job at a beach house. The high school girl she is tutoring is a little slow, the dad is a nice guy, and the mom doesn't like Sydney for some reason. Sydney wants to figure out the rest of her life now. But the family's two grown sons show up at the beach house and both take a liking to her. Can Sydney let another guy come into her life after all her tragedy and which one does she choose?
The book was really slow for such a short novel. It took me a long time to get into it, but once the romance part happened it got better. And then all the drama that follows the romance, made the book bearable. This isn't a book I would recommend. So don't go hauling-ass out to the store to pick it up...okay? And I think I'll probably hold off on this author since it was my first read by her. But if you want to recommend any of her other books, give me a good reason and maybe I'll try.
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